Simulator, Calibrators, Checker
Description: THERMOMETER CALIBRATORModel : TC-920* Type k thermocouple calibrator.* Type k thermocouple thermometer.* -199 oC to 1230 oC, -325oF to 2246oF.* Resolution : 0.1 oC ( <1000 oC ).* oC /oF, Data hold.* Size : 185 x 78 x 38 mm.
Description: VOLTAGE/CURRENT CALIBRATOR Model : CC-421 * Current source : 0 to 24 mA, 2 ranges. * Current measurement : 0 to 24 mA, 2 ranges. * Power (12 V) and current measurement of two wire loop: 0 to 24 mA, 2 ranges. * DC mV source : -199.9mV to +199.9mV.
Description: CURRENT CALIBRATOR Model : CC-422 * 0 to 24 mA precision current source. * Range : 0 to 19.99 mA x 0.01 mA. 0 to 24.0 mA x 0.1 mA.
Description: 4- 20 mA SIMULATOR Model : CC-MA * Simulator output ranges of 4 mA, 12 mA & 20 mA from transmitter.* Ideal for calibration standard & used as a current source.
Description: PH CALIBRATION CHECKER Model : CC-PH * Simulates values for pH 4.00, pH 7.00& pH 10.00, professional & high accuracy. * Select high ohm for testing the impedance of your device, with Cal. cable.
Description: pH 4 BUFFER SOLUTION Model : PH-04 * pH 4.00 buffer solution.
Description: pH 7 BUFFER SOLUTION Model : PH-07 * pH 7.00 buffer solution.
Description: Conductivity solution Model : CD-14